Support staff

Why Striking & Voting Matters

Special NEU London Zoom Rally Thurs 29th 6pm
Special Guests Daniel Kebede Our Newly elected NEU General Secretary
Zac Unite Rep at St Mungos Housing Charity on all out strike
Roddy UCU Rep at Imperial on strike July 5th to July 7th

Official NEU Reps Foundation Course

You’ve Now Had Experience As Rep.
Here is The Theory!
Previous reps say: The Course Is; “Empowering”, “Best Ever” or “I Learnt so much”. 
Wed 28th June 9:00 – 16:00
Thurs 6th July 9:00 – 16:00
Fri 14th July 9:00 – 16:00
Ealing Cricket Club Corfton Rd, W5 2HS