High Stakes Testing

General Meeting Tues 3rd Dec 5.30 pm H.C.C. W7 1PD

1. How will the outcome of the General Election Affect our Schools?
2. OFSTED’s New Brutal ‘Deep Dive’ Inspections: Advice & Guidance from NEU expert Jill Stokes
3. UCU striker fight for pay, pensions & against workload, gender pay gap & insecure contracts

General Meeting July 9th 5.30 H.C.C. W7 1PD

A few NEU districts beat the anti-trade union laws, most did not; should we, can we be the spark that builds the fire that sweeps away this toxic assessment system? Would a ‘Coalition of the Willing’ work? This meeting is important as a decision on this campaign will be taken at the next Executive meeting on Sat July 13th.

Invite Us Into Your School – SATs Ballot

“Yes good I know it causes; immense stress and anxiety for my pupils, extra workload for me and they affect my Performance Management but;
What would we do instead?
How would the boycott work?
What about my Headteacher?”
Invite us into your school; discuss this with us so we can end SATs and make this campaign work for the sake of our pupils and ourselves.