General Meeting Tues 3rd Dec 5.30 pm H.C.C. W7 1PD
1. How will the outcome of the General Election Affect our Schools?
2. OFSTED’s New Brutal ‘Deep Dive’ Inspections: Advice & Guidance from NEU expert Jill Stokes
3. UCU striker fight for pay, pensions & against workload, gender pay gap & insecure contracts
General Meeting July 9th 5.30 H.C.C. W7 1PD
A few NEU districts beat the anti-trade union laws, most did not; should we, can we be the spark that builds the fire that sweeps away this toxic assessment system? Would a ‘Coalition of the Willing’ work? This meeting is important as a decision on this campaign will be taken at the next Executive meeting on Sat July 13th.
Invite Us Into Your School – SATs Ballot
“Yes good I know it causes; immense stress and anxiety for my pupils, extra workload for me and they affect my Performance Management but;
What would we do instead?
How would the boycott work?
What about my Headteacher?”
Invite us into your school; discuss this with us so we can end SATs and make this campaign work for the sake of our pupils and ourselves.