Demos & Rallies

Will You Stand Up Against Tommy Robinson Sat 26?

This demonstration is not just another demo. If we turn up with friends and family in large enough numbers, then we prevent future pogroms on a scale worse than what we saw during the summer, when far right thugs burned hotels with refugees in them shouting “Tommy Robinson” and attacked Mosques.

Stop Fascist Tommy Robinson sat 27th July

If you are around Sat 27th July, then please turn up. With; Farage an MP, Reform gaining 4,000,000 votes and Trump being favourite to win the election, Fascist Tommy Robinson is hoping to grow on the back of this. We will stop him together.
Assemble 12 noon, Russell Square Marching to Trafalgar Square

Why Striking & Voting Matters

Special NEU London Zoom Rally Thurs 29th 6pm
Special Guests Daniel Kebede Our Newly elected NEU General Secretary
Zac Unite Rep at St Mungos Housing Charity on all out strike
Roddy UCU Rep at Imperial on strike July 5th to July 7th

Our Strike Plans Tues 2nd May

The Tories are under immense pressure. They are expected to lose up to 1,000 seats in the local elections. Both headteacher unions have historically agreed to ballot for national strike action. They plan to strike with us.

Striking Thurs 27th & Tues 2nd

1. Strike Thurs 27th & Tues 2nd Question Time Ealing on 27th
i) What Are The Strike Plans/Activities?
ii) Agreed Exam Dispensation
2. Solidarity Message From Ealing NAHT
3. ASCL (Secondary Headteachers) To Ballot For Strike Action!
4. Build the Strikes Link The Fights Reject Bad Deal