C19 Special School ‘Zoom’ Mtg Fri 3rd 4pm
With Judy Ellerby NEU National Officer For Special Schools And Jenny Cooper Assistant Headteacher At The Village School & Brent NEU Secretary
With Judy Ellerby NEU National Officer For Special Schools And Jenny Cooper Assistant Headteacher At The Village School & Brent NEU Secretary
Please see latest advice
What you are doing as teachers and support staff is making such a vital difference in saving lives. You are indeed heroes!
1. Video NEU Message From Kevin & Mary
2. New Ways of Organising School NEU Groups
3. Headteachers Union Urges for Co-operation not Compulsion of Staff
4. Should I stay At Home, Will I Get Paid?
5. How Will Schools Work?
6. What Happens At Easter?
7. Supply Staff?
8. Home Learning Resources
Boris Johnson & Schools
NEU: “Shut Schools Now”!
1. Commentary
2. Updated Advice & Guidance
3. Call A School Union Meeting!