Ealing NEU Petition – All Staff To Sign

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Move up the main and upper pay scales every year automatically

The Government has said Performance Related Pay (PRP) is no longer a legal requirement. The headteacher unions and the NEU have written to all schools urging for the “immediate dropping of PRP” as it is “fundamentally unfair, contributes to the existing recruitment and retention problems and damages morale.” There is clear statistical evidence that shows PRP discriminates on gender and race. Too many teachers stay ‘stuck’ on M6

Support Staff Must Have Paid Religious Leave Like Teachers.

Support staff have significantly lower wages than teachers, yet they are usually only allowed unpaid leave for religious observance. (A big thank you to the schools that do allow support staff to have paid leave). Support staff in Ealing are more likely to have a minority faith. The NEU believes this to be both unfair and discriminatory.

Your Elected Rep & Local Officers Must Have Trade Union Time In Order To Support You When You Need It.

Your rep and local officers work long and hard for you. They need, as they are entitled to by law, trade union release time in their working week. Education remains in a poly-interlinked-crisis; funding, SEND, workload, low pay, recruitment and retention. We need our reps and officers even more now.

Little or zero engagement between Ealing and the NEU.

Recently, emails and requests for meetings are ignored, official meetings severely restricted as to what can be raised on your behalf.

Sign The Petition –> Here

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