Why Striking & Voting Matters

Special NEU London Zoom Rally Thurs 29th 6pm
Why Striking & Voting Matters

Special Guests Daniel Kebede Our Newly Elected NEU General Secretary


Zac Unite Rep at St Mungos Housing Charity on all out strike

Roddy UCU Rep at Imperial on strike July 5th to July 7th

Come and hear Daniel Kebede speak on:

Why Striking on Wed July 5th & Fri 7th and voting in the support staff ballot and teachers re-ballot matters.

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Meeting ID: 886 2015 8786
Passcode: 610751

We will win ths dispute, if you strike with us. The Government is in disarray, tearing at each other’s throats. 225 Tory MPs abstain, refusing to accept that Boris is officially a liar and partied whilst our loved ones died alone.

Gillian Keegan said in April after NEU rejected her 4.5% pay offer:
“Pay will now be decided by the independent pay review body which will recommend pay rises for next year.”

When Kevin & Mary met Gillian Keegan before Easter, she told them we shouldn’t ask for a pay rise because inflation was falling. Today we see in the papers that she and Rishi Sunak say we shouldn’t ask for a pay rise because inflation is increasing!

Listen to Kevin break it down (1 min)

Gillian Keegan recommends 3.5% pay rise for teachers

NEU wins strike ballot

NEU members take strike action

MARCH 2023
Gillian Keegan offers teachers 4.5%

APRIL 2023
Teachers overwhelmingly reject the offer

NEU takes two more strike days before pausing strikes for exam periods – begins preparations for re-ballot

MAY 2023
Gillian Keegan, “ok we will leave it in hands of independent Pay Review Body” ends talks with unions

MAY 2023
Pay Review Body, ”give them 6.5%”

JUNE 2023
Rishi Sunak prepares to block Review Body reports

JULY 5th and 7th
NEU national strike action with mass demonstration in London

Why Voting Matters

Support Staff

Ballot papers have been posted to your homes. They will arrive from Monday 26th June. Support Staff are essential and irreplaceable to pupils and schools. Lack of funding puts your job at risk. Vote Yes. The last national support staff ballot we narrowly missed the anti trade union thresholds, meaning the NEU couldn’t officially call upon support staff to strike.

Yet many support staff, to their eternal credit, refused to cross picket lines; evening arguing with teachers to put up picket lines! This time please encourage all support staff to vote and post. Teachers and Support Staff must strike together.

Teachers Re-Ballot

If less than 50% of teachers post their vote then Gillian Keegan will ignore us, the STRB report and refuse to fully fund any paltry increase. Our leverage will vanish without the threat of strike action. Re-Ballot closes 28th July. The anti trade union laws require us to re-ballot you every 6 months.

Not got your ballot paper? Then email ballotenquiries@neu.org.uk.

Book your place here