Re-Ballot Starts Mon 15th May

Zoom into Kevin & Mary Monday 15th at 5 pm

Britain has the most draconian anti-trade union laws anywhere in Europe. After 6 months we must by law re-ballot members.

3a. What Our Strikes, Rallies, And Demonstrations Have Already Achieved

1. The Government thought they had made it impossible for us to legally win a national strike vote. They were refusing even to talk to us before the ballot result.

2. A big majority of parents/carers and public opinion support us. Excellent media coverage.

3. The Tories have lost over 1,000 councillors in the local elections. Previous Tory Prime Ministers have been forced to resign because of this. Rishi Sunak is under immense pressure.

4. The paltry and insulting Government offer, whilst still a pay cut in real terms, already more than covers for the financial loss for striking 6 days.

5. For the first time in 30 years we negotiated directly with the Government rather than their puppets the ‘independent’ STRB. The Government offer is more than what the STRB allocated us for next year.

6. Our strike action nationally has been very solid. The last strike according to the BBC was the best yet in terms of number of schools shutting. Our demonstrations all over the country have been brilliant. Sometimes in towns that have never ever seen a demonstration.

7. They have been forced to acknowledge just how dreadful the recruitment and retention of teachers is.

8. The mood has hardened. It is more determined; 50,000 teachers joined us so they could strike with us, more members voted (98%) to reject the governments offer than voted to strike in the first place. Support staff have shown fantastic solidarity and not crossed our picket lines!

3b. Why Our Fight For Funding And Proper Pay Will Succeed

    All The Teaching Unions are balloting alongside us. More teachers, those in the NASUWT, across the country will be on strike with us. Headteachers, the whole profession, united as never before, on strike for funding and pay. This weak but nasty government devastated by local election results and internal fighting will not hold against us all on strike together.

    Finally, the other support staff unions have started to ballot their members. The NEU has already agreed to ballot our support staff members. The Executive will decide when and with whom on May 18th.

BUT! We Must Win The Ballot. If We Don’t Vote In Large Enough Numbers. We Lose Everything.