1) If enough of us vote, when is the earliest date that strike action will be called?
Answer: Because of the post office strike we are extending the ballot period to January 13th. The end of January 2023 is when the first strike day could be called.
2) Are other teaching unions balloting on a fully funded above inflation pay increase?
Answer: Yes. The NASUWT (the other classroom teaching union) are officially balloting for national strike action at the exactly the same time as us. The primary headteacher union, the NAHT, are also officially balloting in November for national strike action. This is historic, utterly unprecedented.
3) How much will I lose per strike day?
Answer: Divide your monthly take home pay by 30. This is a good close approximation. At our next Ealing General we will vote to set up a hardship fund. I believe that this question is often really about what are our chances of winning. This Government is hopelessly weak and divided. We strongly believe that a determined and united NEU will prevail in this dispute. We would have to be on strike for many years continuously to lose as much as we have in the last 12 years!
4) My postal address is incorrect how can I get my ballot paper.
Answer: Duplicates will be sent a few weeks later, if you tell us now.
5) Are NEU Support Staff & NEU Teachers being balloted at the same time over a fully funded above inflation pay increase? Will we both be striking at the same time?
Answer: Yes & Yes provided we all post our ballot papers immediately.
6) I’ve got another question.
Then email stefan.simms@neu.org.uk
The ballot envelope look like this.
Why you should vote YES and post your ballot paper from Oct 31st
Great PowerPoint For School NEU Pay Meetings 1st week back after half term.
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