Pay:- Know Your Rights!

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Know Your Rights On Pay & Progression

Campaigning For A Much Deserved & Needed Pay Rise

Tues Oct 19th 5:30 pm

* Who makes the decisions about your pay?

* Do you know what point you are on?

* Do you have to take on extra roles?

* Can you appeal against pay decisions?

* Is it true that you can now move up the Upper Pay Scale every year?

* How can I show wider contribution?

* How de we win a much deserved and needed pay rise?

The Government has given us a 0% pay rise. Our National Insurance contributions have been increased. Inflation is at 3.2% and rising due to energy and supply shortages. We literally risked our lives during the pandemic and this is how the Government rewards us!

Come to our general meeting on Oct 19th 5:30 pm, it will be focusing on pay and progression.  We aim to make this a hybrid meeting; both online and at the Hanwell Community Centre. More details and full agenda soon.

You can download:

1. PowerPoint on pay, progression and campaigning –> PAY_PROGRESSION_2021

2. Q and A on pay, progression and extra responsibilities for UPS –> Pay & Progression Q & A

3. Ealing NEU annual calendar –> Ealing NEU Calendar 2021 – 22

Thanks to Tower Hamlets NEU for Powerpoint and Q & A