Ealing NEU Elections

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Would You Like To Be:

  • The school Rep (or co-rep)
  • On The Ealing NEU Committee
  • An Ealing NEU Officer (& Ctte)
  • A Conference Delegate
  • Trades Council Delegate
  • Delegate To Ealing Local Authority Meetings
  • Delegate To London NEU Regional Council

These elections are annual and this proud democratic tradition goes back to the Chartist Movement. If you would like to know more then please do call 07817 643 546 to discuss. Closing date for nominations is the end of this term. All nominations need two signatures from Ealing NEU members stating their membership number and school.

The officers positions are:

* President

* Vice-President

* Secretary

* Treasurer

* Equal Opportunities Officers for Black, LGBT+ & disabled teachers

* Membership Officer

* Minuting Officer

* Young Members’ Officer

* Supply Teachers’ Officer

* Retired Members’ Officer

* International Officer

* Support Staff Section Officer

* Officers without portfolio x 6 (i.e. ctte members)

Every Local officer is part of the Ealing NEU Ctte. There are an additional 6 other places for Ctte members who are not officers.

We are entitled to 11 delegates to national Conference. National Conference is in Bournemouth Mon 6th – Thurs 9th April 2020. Delegates can travel up on Sunday evening Hotel and food are pay for by Ealing NEU as is childcare if needed, including hotel. (The childcare is excellent).

All local trade unions in Ealing can send delegates to Ealing Trades Council this is the local version of the TUC.

NEU London Regional Council is where decisions for our region.

School reps also stand for re-election every year, if you are interested then, please do contact me. All elections are conducted by secret ballot.