System Change Not Climate Change. Be A Part Of The Global Protest
* International Trade Union Confederation backs the climate strikes
* The TUC calls for a 30 mins stoppage.
* The NAHT says its members should “support and facilitate peaceful protests by young people”
* 61% of teachers believe students should strike this Friday
There will be strikes in 115 countries and 1,000 cities.
“This Friday I will join the school strike for climate in Washington D.C. See you outside The White House from 11-2pm!” Greta Thunberg.
Whilst the main stream media is focused on Brexit, they have missed the huge groundswell building for this Friday’s global strike. As the students say on their placards “There is no planet B”. It is their future they are fighting for.
Video belows show what other trade unionist are doing in the UK and what you can do.
Try & Do The Max But Do Something!
* Persuade your Headteacher to allow a delegation to go the protest, preferably with some students.
* Do a 30-minute lunchtime protest at the school gates and send photos to Campaign for Climate Change
* Persuade your school to be part of the 1pm national ‘Climate Alarm’ moment – alarms for 1 minute.
* Promote the event on social media, tell friends and workmates
Please tell me what you succeed in doing.
Stefan Simms 07817 643 546
Ealing NEU Secretary & National Executive Member for Outer London
Education Is A Right Not A Privilege Nor A Commodity