General Meeting July 9th 5.30 H.C.C. W7 1PD

Big Q – SATs Boycott 2019/20?

A few NEU districts beat the anti-trade union laws, most did not; should we, can we be the spark that builds the fire that sweeps away this toxic assessment system? Would a ‘Coalition of the Willing’ work?

This meeting is important as a decision on this campaign will be taken at the next Executive meeting on Sat July 13th.

Ealing achieved a 67% turnout in the national ballot to boycott all high stakes testing – SATs. This is our best result ever.  Thank you to everyone who voted and especially to our reps who achieved this result at one of the most busiest times of the year. Plus apologies for all those texts and emails!

Please would you come along to this meeting. How I vote and what I argue on your behalf at the next executive meeting on this important matter should be determined by you.

In addition we need to elect districts officers as well as the branch officers. This is a new NEU bureaucratic but very important point, as otherwise Ealing NEU ceases to be! Therefore I propose that all those elected as delegates and officers for the branch are also elected for the same positions for the district. I assure you this isn’t a silly ‘wtf’ point.

Finally, Ealing NEU needs to reaffirm our existing affiliations and agreeing to sponsor members wishing to attend a range of events. They are (not in any order of importance):

  • Love Music Hate Racism
  • Stand Up To Racism
  • Unite Aagainst fascism
  • Anti Academies Alliance
  • More Than A Score
  • CND
  • Stop The War Coalition
  • Marxism Festival Event
  • Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  • Middle Eastern & North African workers Solidarity Network
  • Campaign against Climate Change


Stefan Simms Ealing NEU