Re-Claiming the Dream – Black* Teachers Confernce Fri 16th -Sun 18th Nov

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NEU Black Teachers Conference will take place at the Grand Hotel, Broad St, Bristol, BS1 2EL from Friday 16th November 2018 to Sunday 18th November 2018. The package includes: hotel for single occupancy, breakfast, dinner Saturday night, Conference attendance, lunch and refreshments – all you need to do is complete this form and it will be sent automatically to Ealing NEU-NUT for consideration.

Sadly, Ealing NEU-NUT can only afford to pay for 4 delegates. We anticipate more than 4 black teachers wanting to go. In this scenario we will be giving preference to those who would wish to use the experience to become more involved in union activities and come back with ideas that will promote black issues and to help campaign over them.

Bristol’s fame and wealth is built on the Slave Trade, leading to our theme of this year’s Conference being “Re-Claiming the Dream”. Places are strictly limited so early application is recommended. There will be a series of workshops, stalls, and plenaries which focus on topics pertaining to Black Liberation and self-organisation, ultimately encouraging members to become more active within the NEU.

Closing date for Ealing NEU-NUT is Mon 8th Oct. This is to give us time to consider all applicants and approve our 4 deleagtes before the HQ deadline of Oct 15th.

*NEU uses the term black in the political sense for all BME teachers