Union Moves Towards National Action:
Are you Ballot Ready?
Last Friday the NUT National Executive section of the NEU agree to move towards a national ballot, starting with an indicative ballot. These proposals will be put to the the Joint Executive Council of the NEU when it meets on Oct 6th.
For this campaign to have the best possible chance of success, the London wide rally this Thursday 6pm Central Hall, Westminster, needs to be well attended.
Below you can download the agreed national executive motion, plus; motion passed by the headteachers’ union ASCL also agreeing a similar position to ours ( See yellow Highlighted key points), TUC supporting our position and a joint ASCL, NAHT & NEU model letter to your local MP.
Join us to discuss how we can campaign together to win. Speakers Kevin Courtney (NEU Joint GS) & Jess Edwards (NUT Executive)
Download agreed national executive motion here STRB_Exec_Motion_
Are you Ballot Ready?
The repressive anti-trade union laws require a paper ballot sent to your home address, rather than your workplace. Neither can a union ballot its members electronically. In the last national strike approximately 35% of Ealing members voted (either yes or no) but over 75% took strike action! Ballot papers often get sent to the wrong address. The new anti-trade union laws require more than 50% of members to return their ballot paper and over 40% of the total membership vote Yes. Something that is not required of MPs getting elected!
If you don’t recieve the monthly “The Teacher” magazine https://www.teachers.org.uk/teacher-online
then the union has an out of date home address. Please go to https://www.teachers.org.uk/update/selfregistration
or call 020 7380 6366 Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm and update your personal records now! ( Self updating requires you to know your membership number- Please see email sent to all Ealing members on 11-09-18. Your membership number is in that email)
Request: Can anyone compose an image of an “Infinity Gauntlet” on Damind’s hand making a school with staff and pupils start to disappear using the ‘education stones’ of workload, funding, pay, bullying, Ofsted and exams?!