Every year Ealing NUT members elect our Officers & Committee members. We also elect Delegates to our various Conferences; National, Equalities & Young Teachers’, plus London Regional Council and Ealing Trades Council. Finally Ealing NUT also represents Ealing teachers at the Ealing Education Joint Committee.
If any member is interested, then please do contact me and we can discuss which of these above positions is best suited to you.
Below is a list of the local union positions which any Ealing NUT member is entitled to stand for provided they have been nominated by two current Ealing NUT members. A member who intends to stand for any of these positions must inform me by Wed 9th Dec. The address is Ealing NUT, Hanwell Community Centre, Westcott Crescent, Hanwell W7 1PD
Ealing NUT Local Positions
President, Secretary. Treasurer, Primary Officer (Two posts), Casework Officer, Equality Officer (Black Teachers), Equality Officer (LGBT Teachers), Equality Officer (Disabled Teachers), Young Teacher Officer, International Officer, Health & Safety Officer, Committee (usually 15 posts but more is possible), Conference Delegates (8 delegates to be elected), NUT London Regional Council (4 delegates to be elected), Ealing Trades Council (2 delegates to be elected), Equality Conferences (LGBT, Black & Disabled: up to 3 delegates for each conference), Young Teachers Conference (up to 3), Ealing Education Joint Committee. (Up to 4, Mtgs with Ealing LA)
“Nominations for the Officers as listed in Model Rule 6(c) and the elected Committee Members in Model Rule 6(e) shall be made in writing, signed by the proposer and seconder and endorsed by the nominee and shall reach the Association Secretary not later than the end of autumn term.”