A rainy autumn has turned dusty streets in the Calais jungle into a mire of deep mud. The stench of over-stretched chemical toilets hangs in the air. Tents are packed in more densely as the French authorities estimate the jungle’s population has almost doubled to 6,000.
(Pic by Guy Smallman)
This hell is also home to children and many people with severe health conditions. Winter is close and it is only going to get colder and wetter. We say open the borders and let them in! This Government has even been shamed by Judges and the Church of England saying we should do more and offering to do more. The United Nations has also comdemned this Government by comparing and contrasting refugees fleeing the Nazis in the 1930’s.
Last Saturday was part of a solidarity trip organised by Stand Up to Racism (SUTR). Donations collected by school NUT reps filled a van full of blankets, warming bedding, tents and many other items. We also collected 930 Euros from members in schools and from NUT Local & National Officers on a NUT training course.
Massive thanks to all the reps who collected from their members whether it was tents and blankets and/or money. Jon the school NUT rep at Featherstone High managed to collect over £120.