How Your Pay Is Affected This Year

1. Annual Pay Increase

We expect your school to pay 1% to all points on the pay spine plus TLRs and SEN points – the exception to this is M6 which gets a 2% increase (this is an anomaly of the government decision on this year’s increase). This increase should have shown on your September pay slip or back dated in your last pay slip.

2. Pay Progression
If you are on any point below M6 or on U1 or U2, your school must review your pay and make a decision about whether to move you to the next point. You should be informed about this decision in writing by October 31st. Please note that you do not need to “apply” to make pay progression if you are on any of these points.

3. Applying to move onto the Upper Pay Spine (U1)
If you have applied to move to the Upper Pay Spine your school should review your application as part of the Appraisal Review and inform you of the decision. In order to move onto the Upper Pay Spine a teacher must demonstrate that they have met the Upper Pay Range criteria.

4. Decisions on progression
All decisions on progression and moving onto UPS must be based on the outcome of Appraisal Reviews for the previous year (for applications to move to U1 it is the previous two years). If your Appraisal Review is successful you should expect to move up the pay scale.

5. Decisions on non-progression
Schools can decide that a teacher should not progress following an unsuccessful review. (However, if you have a NUT compliant policy there should be “no surprises” which means that any teacher at risk of not progressing should have been alerted that this was possibility in good time for them to address any concerns that were arising). Where a school decides not to award pay progression they must inform the teacher concerned in writing, setting out the reasons for the decision and their right to appeal.

6. What if I am not awarded progression?
If you are not awarded progression you are entitled to appeal against the decision. Ealing NUT urges you to immediately contact us and appeal, we will completely support and represent you in the process.

Your school rep recently had training; there is a campaign to achieve a real decrease in our workload and to obtain complaint policies on pay & progression, performance management and appraisal.

Please see email sent Thursday 19th Oct 16:12 for downloads